Thursday, June 7, 2012

New Blog.. New Day

So I have decided to start a new blog. My last blog I had, I never found the time to post anything with work stuff to do and raising my two kids. Last February, I added more to my work load and decided to go back for yet another degree in Education. Little Crazy?! But it is a new challenge that I know that I can do but it will be a very hard road. I am getting my doctoral in Education from University of Phoenix (online).

I do feel as teachers that we are always learning new ideas and ways to do things in our classroom. I am hoping for this final degree that it will lead me in the right direction where I can teach education online and spend more time at home with my children before they grow up way to fast.

Right now, I am enjoying mom time because it is summer and I am currently taking a class. The classes are 8 weeks long filled with papers, discussion questions and group projects. The kids do go daycare twice a week so I can do grocery shopping or have some "me" time. They enjoy playing with their friends and keep the routine of daycare. I am off to go find some new ideas on pinterest to do in my classroom. I am off to go enjoy the outdoors with my kids.